I finally got my complete Army uniform together. The only thing I was missing was the beret which I finally found after looking around the house for the past two weeks. This is what I'll be wearing most of the time in August.
9 years ago
God and Family first, then photography, triathloning, and family practice residency training
You are such a nerd...posing in your ACU's!!!! But I have to say I am so happy that all the Army crap is finally working out!!!
Woohoo, I love a man in a uniform. ;)
Mike, you are CRACKING me up! You've got a lot of time on your hands, huh? But, what better way to get to know your new camera, right? Keep 'em coming!
Well, I am a nerd, thank you very much! I am so excited that it's working out. It was such a long, rocky road that still has it's bumps but definitely less pebbles in the path.
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