After most recently putting ~$800 in engine repairs to keep Suzy (our Dodge Stratus) running, I’ve drawn a line in the sand. Simple comparison of the last years maintenance: our recent hand-me-down 1990 Honda rusted-out Civic with no A/C and manual everything—alternator $90, thermostat $10; our ‘nicer’ 1996 Dodge Stratus—broken ball joint + leaking oil sending unit $550, glitchy computer modules + bad electrical distributor $800, along with a failing ABS module and noisy valves (newer isn’t always better, huh). I came THIS close to junking it. So, Suzy, consider this your ultimatum:
In case you were wondering, you ARE expendible. I am not too attached to you to keep draining my account into keeping you running. I’ve said before that if it got to the point where I was putting over $150-200/mo into keeping you running, then I would rather put that money into payments on a newer car less temperamental and more comfortable to drive. You can say, “Oh, you would dare!” Well, missy, just try me. I already have a wonderful woman in my life to take care of. I don’t need a winy, high-maintenance nag on top of that. If you force me to choose, she stays, you go.
So, I just wanted to let you know that your days are numbered. Your retirement is fast approaching. I alone make the decision as to how soon that will be. Consider yourself on a four-month probation. You have this time to prove to me that you deserve to stay. This is last and final warning to shape up or you will booted out on your lazy, no-good, free-loadin’, pollutin’ rear-end.
9 years ago