I feel the need to post about something near and dear to my heart-- marriage. I think it is every U.S. citizen's responsibility to get as well informed as possible on issues such as proposition 8 from several independent sources not tied to any one fundraising effort or campaign that may have skewed ideas and make be either misrepresenting the facts or not telling the whole story. Allow me to share some facts with you free from my 'religious bias':
1. Not once has there been a proposal brought to a citizen vote on the question "Should gay marriage be legalized?--Yea or Nay." In both the states of Massachusetts and California, it has been a handful of people called judges who have decided this, not the public as a whole.
2. There have been a few states recently (2-3 I think) that have passed initiatives by public majority vote to affirm and clarify marriage defined as between a man and woman.
3. So far, there is no clear evidence that gay marriage is something the majority of the American public support.
4. Under current laws, gay/homosexual couples currently enjoy medical visitation rights, have no additional tax burdens compared to married heterosexual couples, and are not prohibited from being in each other's wills or named on estates.
So my question to you is "What need is there for legal recognition/allowance of gay marriage?" I can list a host of reasons why I think it is an issue which many people could see as religiously biased and morally-skewed. But, in order to accomplish my original goal of this post to provide "unbiased" information about Proposition 8 and it's significance.
PLEASE ENCOURAGE FRIENDS OF YOURS IN CALIFORNIA TO VOTE ON THIS ISSUE so we can see what the majority of citizens feels should be public policy.